Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Social Environmental Essay Example for Free

Social Environmental Essay This paper expounds how human behavior is influenced by social and environmental events through complex interplay of biopsychosocial dimension. Human develops resilience that is constantly challenged by developmental conflict to find eventual survival strategies. II. Introduction a. Society cultural influence on human behavior is an exposure whose products result from interplay between three dimensions; the interaction regarding biological, psychological, and social perspective to life as a whole. b. Importance of bio-psychosocial dimensions in expounding on how human behavior is birthed and found on the fundamental principle of â€Å"cause and effect† analysis of societal control as a denominator to man behavioral exhibit. c. Life events are activities taking place in which man is inevitably a player and contributes greatly to the outcome of such events on the basis of behavioral character. We therefore, do find it so critical to analyze how this behavior is formed and the psychosocial dimensional influence on the formation. d. This paper shall step wisely touch the three basic dimensions with a view to identifying the key elements involved, the specific behavior exhibited and its impact of each in early and later life. e. This paper reveals the dimension and aim at analyzing some resilience or behavioral adaptation developed to live amidst many behavioral challenges. III. Biological Dimension a. This is the closest dimension where natural factors mix with the social environment to produce observable human behavior. i. The natural factors include ecological influence, genetic adaptability, and parental inheritance of an individual. ii. This biological dimension affects personal and cognitive development through complex impulses which interact with other biological systems to determine an individual’s reaction to social stimulus. b. During early life, body systems begin process of adaptive response to develop a competitive survival mode for the present and future exposure. It is a preparative stage of natural body system reaction to societal values and norms c. In later life, there is an existing involuntary response to ways of life in a way that disease develop when adapted response cannot interpret strange exposure IV. Psychological Dimension a. i. This dimension defines the characteristic of the mind and mental makeup resulting from societal life events on human behavior. ii. The key element here is the inter-subjectivity of humanistic approaches that focuses on fundamental issues of life in the society. b. It forms basis for cognitive behavior, involuntary response, behavioral and reasoning in response to convergence of cognitive and formal lessons exposed to in life. c. i. According to Erickson’s psychosocial developmental theory, early life involves negotiation of emotions with environmental culture and social events to balance eight psychosocial crises. The successful completion of negotiation produces â€Å"basic strength† or â€Å"basic virtual†. The challenges of fitting in productively – the crisis. ii. According to Erickosn’s and Freud’s, this is the stage of total self awareness, improvement and development. Negatively, there is showcase of behavioral â€Å"malignancies and maladaptation† in late life with that challenge of absolute zero tolerance to re-orientation. V. Sociology a. The social dimension domain refers to characteristics of human beings regarding their interaction through collective co-existence in society. i. Key elements here are behavioral response to ones input, expectation to family relationships, cultural orientation, institutional educations, societal norms, rules and regulations. ii. Aspects of behavior affected by social life events are numerous. It form the complex identity for age and overall life stages in education, marriage etc. b. Awareness of educational need in early life and behavioral conformation to this societal expectation. c. Awareness of several expectations in areas like marriage, and self guilt from perception of not belonging to societal identity, a feeling of rejection or being an outcast. VI. Coping and Resilience for Survival. a. Coping with perpetual influence of environmental events conflict in developing the eventual human behavior is required to build up survival strategies. b. Through outcome of negative and positive experiences with suitable rescue aid, the prevailing ones determine the ability of man to gain back any setback in development or formed the stability of overall behavioral display. c. In pursuit of survival, it is sufficed to theorize that human beings cope and maintain well-being through institutions with most acceptance of his developed behavior, be it spiritual or social support. VII. Conclusion a. The understanding of this three dimensional approach gives a holistic picture of intrinsic and extrinsic behaviors exhibited by man to exist. b. Human behavior is imprisoned by interplay of forces responding to natural, social and environmental events. There is yet no freedom for independent behavioral development if man must survive. VIII. Bibliography in APA format Erikson, Erik H. (1986). Childhood and Society. New York: Norton. Erikson, Erik H. (1979). Identity and the Life Cycle. New York: Int. Universities Press. Erikson, Erik H. (1968). Identity, Youth and Crisis. New York: Norton,. Kendra van W. (n. d. ). Eriksons Theory of Psychosocial Development. Available at: http://psychology. about. com/lr/psychosocial_development/5045/1/. 04/19/2009. Sheehy, Gail. (1976). Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life. New York: E. P. Dutton. Stevens, Richard. (1983). Erikson: An Introduction. New York: St. Martins. http://www. businessballs. com/maslow. htm

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Nature vs. Nurture Essay -- Heredity and Environment

Abstract Nature vs. nurture has been discussed by philosophers in the past and by scientists more recently. Philosophers such as Plato argued that all knowledge was inherited from your parents and when you were told something you didn’t learn it you were just reminded of it. Aristotle however argued that all humans were born with a blank slate and built on it with influence from there environment. In the 1700’s the empiricists and the internalists took over the argument. They fought through letters explaining there point of views and denouncing the others. This leads to Pavlov coming up with the idea of behaviorism in the early 1900‘s. Behaviorism became the new wave of Psychology and influenced a lean towards the nurture side. It was not effectively argued against until 1928 when Watson published his book. This opened up the floodgates for environmental influences studies. Soon the idea of nurture was the popular excuse for behavior. Studies using animals were the most po pular was in which scientists used to prove a theory, or disprove a theory. The newest studies use human twins to prove nature vs. nurture. An age-old question has been asked for generations before us. What is the reasons behind the development of human behavior? There have been many theories formulated to explain why humans behave the way they do. Explanations vary from demonology to magnetic fluids controlling people’s behaviors. Over time, two theories have remained popular in academic fields such as philosophy and psychology. The surviving theories for behavior stem from physiological and sociological explanations. However, the two explanations have not always been compatible with each other. The famous nature vs. nurture debate over human behavior resulted from conflicting views between proponents of the physiological (nature) and sociological (nurture) explanations. Throughout history, research has swayed popularity back and forth between the theories. Yet, theorists have broken down the line separating nature and nurture. Today, people us both explanations in research to advance the knowledge of human behavior. Thousands of years before the field of psychology, philosophers pondered on human behavior. As early as 350 BC, such philosophers as Plato and Aristotle tried to understand behavior. The question of nature or nurture as the primary drive can be traced to these... ...y the effects of each in development. In these future studies, more groundbreaking advances will be made to aid humans in better understanding human behavior. In the end, that is what both sides of the nature vs. nurture debate intended to accomplish. Bibliography Amsel, A. (1989). Behaviorism, Neobehaviorism, and Cognitivism in Learning   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Theory. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum,. Ashcraft, M. (1998). Fundamentals of Cognition. New York, NY: Longman. Barnet, A. (1998). The Youngest Minds. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. Cowie, F. (1999). What’s Within?. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Devlin, B. (1997). Intelligence, Genes, and Success. New York, NY: Copernicus. Deutschmann, Linda B. (2002). Deviance and Social Control Third Edition. Scarborough,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ON: Nelson Thomson Learning. Fujita, Frank. (2000). Nature vs. Nurture. 3/15/2002 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  11.html McGraw, M. (1995). Beyond Heredity and Environment. San Francisco, CA: Westview   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press. Modgil, S. (1987). B.F. Skinner: Consensus and Controversy. New York, NY: Falmer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press. Myers, David G. (2001). Psychology Sixth Edition. New York, NY: Worth Publishers.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Modern Relationships

The advancement of technology does not only change man’s way of doing things but also it changes some aspects of his personal life. One of these aspects is in the area of  Ã‚   building relationships.   According to Maslow, one of man’s basic needs is belongingness and love. He stated that man basically wants to find someone whom he can love and be loved.   Relationships add meaning to his life and gave him a sense of purpose ( Maslow, 1954). With the discovery of the internet, that purpose is going to be fulfilled in a new way. The quest for a mate had always been a complicated procedure for most. Some have list of qualities and requirements that they want to find in someone while others do not know what they are looking for. All they know and hoped for is that there is someone for them out there in the world. Whoever comes along they always hoped he will be the special one but unfortunately they are not always right the first time. And so the quest continues. One way that modern man had taken advantage of for the quest is using the internet.   What is interesting about the World Wide Web is that it provided modern man the chance to meet different people from different culture and religious background. With the use of   his fingers , he can easily   meet someone from anywhere in the world   at any time. It is because anybody can connect to any chatrooms or websites that advertises various individuals looking for someone to love. Others may be skeptical about this idea simply because you actually do not know the real person behind the face. And many (mostly conservative ones) would suspect that no lasting relationships can ever be established from internet dating. They feel that everyone was just out there to fool or take advantage of somebody. They also reasoned that if it is hard to make a relationship work with someone you personally know for years how much harder will it be if you commit to a relationship with someone you only know in the internet. And how more complicated will it be if that person came from another country and practicing another religion! While the above argument may have some truth in it, internet dating continues to become a popular means of modern man to find someone to love. Their reasons may vary. Others find communicating in the internet easier. Communication had always been a problem of any relationships. Some people just cannot express themselves to those who already know them for years. They cannot relate their disappointments, frustrations and broken dreams for fear of rejection or betrayal. So they pretended to be strong and able to conquer the world while in reality they are on the verge of collapsing.   But the internet had provided them a different scenario. In there they find people who do not know them and therefore had no basis to judge. And since the other person is so far away in the world to do them any harm, they freely began to talk about themselves and later they realized that they were accepted for who they were. They do not need to wear a mask. And because of that they were willing to take the relationship to the next level. Another reason why people go for internet dating is because they find it challenging to do so. They are mostly adventurous individuals who are curios to learn about other cultures and religion. They do not fear these differences because they have the capacity to accept people’s differences from their own. For example modern America is a place of diverse nationalities, and most Americans had been an eyewitness of successful relationships between two people of diverse culture and religion. They figure that if they possessed a heart of understanding and acceptance any relationship can work. It really does not matter much where a person comes from as long as he is willing to make the necessary adjustment to make a relationship last as it should. In other words, there are cases that modern relationships between different cultures do not work not because of their differences in beliefs and customs but because of their innate negative characters. If they marry a person of their own culture and religion, their relationship will still not work because basically they are the problem. Another reason why people choose internet dating is because it helped them not to get too physically involved. Some good relationships fail initially because the physical involvement gets in the way of knowing the real person apart from the physical self. People who hade made sexual relationships before and were guilty about it find internet dating a welcome change. And they find that they do not have to be totally committed to have a relationship. All they want is to have someone willing to talk to. But of course, as I have stated before things just happens that change their minds and before long they find themselves loving someone from across the globe. The internet can also be the means for lovers to stay in contact when the other had to leave for another place for some reason. In the past, relationships failed because after the lover left, he lost touch with the other that was left behind.   Telephone long distance charges are very costly. At first there may be many calls but later on only few calls are made in a year     and then eventually it stopped. Then one of them realizes that the other had found a new love. But modern technology is trying to change all that. The internet provided convenient access for constant communication between lovers. Through it they can promptly and continuously catch up with each other’s lives. Communication no long becomes a barrier for their long distance relationships. The only thing that can really break their relationship now is if they really wanted to in the first place. Most people would never see themselves finding someone through the internet. They may utilize the net for an already formed relationship outside the internet (like the above example where one lover had to go away for some place) but to really find someone in the net is next to impossible for them. People who do this are usually very careful in life, they are afraid to make mistakes and for them it is a mistake to find someone in the net. But times had changed. In reality, there are many sensible people in the net. Decent modern men and women now take part in internet dating.   Their rule of thumb is to  Ã‚   use their head, be smart and stay away from suspicious people. It is true that many get fooled in the internet. But it is because they ignored the warning signs. People who do nasty things in the net and who request to see some private parts are not to be trusted. They do not possess any self-respect and will most likely make a mate’s life miserable. People that can be trusted are those who communicate respectfully and talk about wholesome matters.   But still in spite of that, a person should be watchful who he/she is talking or committing to. Even with the modern way of building relationships, using the head and lots of prayers are still the best means of finding the right person. Reference Maslow, Abraham H. (1954). Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, Incorporated   

Saturday, January 4, 2020

`` Save The Animals Stop Animal Testing `` By Lara Weber

The testing of animals is deemed to be cruel and inhumane because of the way the animals get treated. In the article, â€Å"Women Fought for humane treatment of Chicago’s dogs, cats, horses written by Lara Weber describes how the conditions of where these animals lived were. In a Chicago pound for animals, three hundred dogs cried and were extremely cold from the conditions outside (Weber 1). These animals were in terrible conditions and the city should not be proud of it. Within a couple of days these dogs disappeared from the pound unexpectedly and were loaded onto a Santa Fe railroad that was heading for Texas (Weber 2). These animals were probably stolen for a research facility so they could be used for testing. In the next article, â€Å"Save The Animals: Stop Animal Testing† written by Heather Dunnuck describes some of the awful tests these animals have to endure throughout their life. â€Å"The American Veterinary Medical Association defines pain as an unpleasa nt sensory and emotional experience perceived as arising from a specific region of the body and associated with actual or potential tissue damage† (Dunnuck 1). This means the animals are feeling it and are suffering from it. Animals can feel pain just as humans can feel pain. When these animals are used for toxicity or chemical tests it is a painful and deadly test for the animal (Dunnuck 1). Some of the tests the researchers use are the LD50 and the Draize test. In the Draize test the researchers put a substance in the